Taken with Fujifilm X-Pro2 and Tamron Adaptall 35-80mm f2.8-3.5

I had been talking with my wife for quite some time now about starting a blog. About two weeks ago from the writing of this post, I made the jump and made my very own website. So here I am placing a stake in my plot of turf in the online world!

Since this is an inaugural blog post, I thought I would just give a brief description of what I anticipate this blog to be about. Since photography has always been a hobby of mine, this blog will serve as my creative outlet for that subject matter. I hope to make this a space where I can put my thoughts down in writing and share my own photographic work in a way that is not constrained or governed by the demands of social media, but in a reflective manner where I can just write casually about my hobby and how it interacts with my life. In addition to writing general blog posts and gear reviews, I hope to also include photo essays as some of the content of this website.

So at this point, I would just like to say thank you dear reader! I appreciate your time and hopefully you enjoy the thoughts, opinions, reviews, reflections, musings, ramblings, and other subsequent material that will come to follow.

~Soli Deo Gloria~